The 3rd IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis 2010 or Pacific Vis 2010)
will be held in Taipei, Taiwan during March 2 to 5, 2010. Taipei is a splendid
mixture of tradition and modernity. Taipei is also a center of politics, commerce,
finance, fashion and culture of Taiwan.
Visualization has become an increasingly important research area due to its
wide range of applications in many disciplines. PacificVis is an IEEE
sponsored international visualization symposium held in the Asia-Pacific
region, with the objective to foster greater exchange between visualization
researchers and practitioners, and to draw more researchers in the
Asia-Pacific region to enter this rapidly growing area of research. The
former name of PacificVis was APVIS (Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information
Visualization). This new venue has an expanded scope to include all areas of
visualization, and a sponsorship to allow us to achieve a more wide-spread
Thank you for your participation in PacificVis 2010. Hopefully see you again on
PacificVis 2011.
This year, together, we have made a successful conference with substantianl programmes and fruitful events.
Now click on the following thumbnail to see more photographs.