The standard equipment setup in Pacific Vis 2010 venue includes a screen, a high-resolution video/data projector,
microphones, and a Windows PC. You might want to use your own laptop, and quite possibly you need to.
If possible, we would prefer that you use our computer in order to maintain the integrity of the equipment
setup. Connecting other computers disrupts the presentation flow, and the projector often needs tweaking when you plug
in. If you have special software or hardware requirements, we can accommodate a connection to get you up and running.
For preparing your slides, please use Pacific Vis 2010 slide templates
Office 2007
Office 2003
*Dowload Pacific Vis 2010 logo [
The panel for the posters is 90 cm wide by 140 cm high. There is also a table along the poster for your PC.
There will be pins available to hang your posters. However, there is limited power outlets so make sure your
PC battery is fully charged if you plan to use it.